
Rock Notes

May 2024
Hello out there.
It's a nice spring day here on the west coast of America, and I am happy I live in California on a day such as this. You see a lot of negative press about the golden state these days, but I can tell you as a San Francisco native and having lived my whole life in California, I still haven't found anyplace that's better. So there, nay sayers!
I am happy to say we are adding another date to our summer Sonoma County Tour 2024. The Sorentinos will be playing the Music in the Square series in Healdsburg on the 2nd of July. I am pretty sure this will be the last time we play it since our buddies Dave Templeton and Dan Zastrow who book the shows will be moving on after this year, and I am getting more picky in my old age on what gigs I take and don't take.
I hope anyone within range will try to make it out to one of our four shows we have in June and July this year, cuz you never know when it will happen again. I also want to mention that my new single "Leaders Of The World" is now up on Apple Music, and most other streaming services, so check it out if you get a chance.
So everyone have a great summer, and we hope to see you at one of the gigs this year.
dig you later,
Danny S.
UPDATE TO JULY 4TH: I am sorry to say The Sorentinos will have to cancel our show at The Elephant In The Room on Tuesday July 9th. My mom is very ill and I have to go to Seattle to help my brother and sister with her hospice care. We hope to reschedule another date sometime this year.

Upcoming Gigs (click here)